Music & Dance

Apply to perform on the Music or Dance stage

Adam Decker Trio

Music Stage

The Music Stage features student and youth musical talent from across the Triangle. Professional stage, sound engineers and equipment. Groups will take the stage every half hour throughout the day.

Many groups will engage with the public with booths around the field so you can learn more about them and maybe sign up your child to learn some new skills!

  • If your studio or group would like to perform, Apply HERE
  • If you would like to be the sponsor of the Music Stage, visit the Sponsor Page, or click HERE
  • Questions? Contact festival director, Lindsey Chester ,

Dance Stage

Students perform with Academy Performing Arts at 2021 Fest in the West

The Dance Stage highlights the Triangle’s premier student and youth dance studios performing their best works. We aim to include as many studios and different cultural acts as possible! All acts will be performed on an elevated and covered stage with professional sound technicians making sure that your dance group looks its best!

  • Apply NOW to perform at the festival in 2025, or contact Lindsey Chester , Festival Director. 
  • Booth space is also available for community outreach for all performing groups. Apply NOW.

Performance Schedule will be announced in early 2025:

All performing groups will be highlighted with links to their business websites here.