Music Stage
The Music Stage features student and youth musical talent from across the Triangle. It features a professional stage, sound engineers, and equipment. Groups will take the stage every half hour throughout the day.
Performance Schedule
11:10- Notasium
12:50 School of Rock
2:15- INSAAN
3:15 Rock and Roll High School
4:20 Rich School of Music
Applications have closed
If you would like to be the sponsor of the Music Stage, visit the Sponsor Page, or click HERE
Dance Stage
The Dance Stage highlights the Triangle’s premier youth dance studios performing their best works.
Performance Schedule
12:00 Starpath Dance Academy
12:30 Nritya MayaNanda School of Arts
1:45 Raleigh Little Theater
2:10 Triangle Creative Education Foundation
2:30 Academy of the Performing Arts
4:00 Indigo Dance Evolution Academy
Applications have closed for 2025
Booth space is still available for community outreach for all performing groups. Apply NOW.
Questions? Contact festival director, Lindsey Chester ,